9 Reasons Why Getting a Small Number 9 Tattoo Will Change Your Life

Small Number 9 Tattoo

As we all know, Thursdays are considered highly auspicious in India because it is the day of the Guru (Guruvar). It is the day that the Guru Tattva (energy of the Guru within each one of us) is multiple folds more than any other day of the week. But is it pure coincidence that the first Thursday of the year 2020 happens to be the 9

They say that the universe begins with zero and ends with 9 because after 9 the numbers just repeat themselves in two digits. So, 9 is also seen as a complete number. This is evident from the fact that any number that is multiplied with 9 and reduced to a single digit always becomes 9. For example, 9 times 3 is 27 and if you add 2+7, it will give you 9.


The number 108 (1+8 = 9; 12 times 9 is 108) is considered very holy in Hinduism, Buddhism and across a range of religions and cultures. 108 times is used in many spiritual chants in different religions to mark the completion of prayer.

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Many of us may know that there are 18 chapters (1+8 = 9) in the entire Mahabharata as well as in the Bhagavad Gita, the sacred epic and scripture. The battle of Kurukshetra in the Mahabharata went on for 18 days. There are 18 Puranas and 108 Upanishads, which again are associated with 9.

The human body has 9 doors – two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, the mouth and the openings for excretion and procreation. Even the shape of the womb is in the form of 9. Perhaps it is no surprise that it takes 9 months for a human being to give birth to a child.

In Vedic culture, the number 9 finds a place of spiritual significance. There are 9 planets in Vedic astrology that are said to govern an individual’s life based on his/her actions (karma). These 9 planets are: Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, Sun, Moon, Rahu (Northern lunar node), Ketu (Southern lunar node). There are 9 gems or Navaratnas that are associated with each of these planets: Pearl (for Moon), Ruby (for Sun), Blue Sapphire (for Saturn), Yellow Sapphire (for Jupiter), Red coral (for Mars), Emerald (for Mercury), Diamond (for Venus), Gomed or Hessonite (for Rahu) and Cat’s eye or Chrysoberyl (for Ketu).

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We celebrate 9 days of Navaratri to mark the victory of Goddess Shakti over evil. There are 9 emotions (bhavas or rasas) in Indian classical dance known as the ‘Navarasas’: Shringara (love and beauty), Hasya (laughter), Karuna (compassion), Raudra (anger), Veera (courage), Bhayanaka (fear), Bibhatsya (disgust), Adbutha (surprise), and Shantha (tranquility)

Shravan (hearing); Kirtan (praying); Smaran (remembering); Padasevan (resorting to feet); Archan (worship); Namaskar (bowing); Dasya (service); Sakhyam (friendship); Atma-Nivedana (surrender of the self).


So, from the above we can see that number 9 has a great spiritual significance. It is the number of the mystics and occultists, the royal divine number that begins and dissolves creation. Each number in the universe has its own spiritual and material significance, and if you are interested to know more about numbers, then it is worth understanding this mystical subject from an expert numerologist.The Hermit Tarot Card (Number 9) is a card that is known for always providing balance. But it is so much more than just this. Have a look at this small guidebook made by Tarot Card Reader Ruma Marwah to get all your answers.

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It means you maybe looking for guidance from the invisible world. You want to gain perspective on your life, and you’re open to the inner guidance that’s available to you. Some answer you will not get from google but you get from inside.

A person represented by this card is unselfish and very knowledgeable person where people can look to this person for guidance. A true old soul is a person who is mostly in their spiritual quest and looking for enlightenment. 


To read Hermit tarot card like a teacher who can share his knowledge, wisdom, and advice you are guiding the way. He says if you quiet you’re mind you will hear the voice of God speaking to you. 

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There is not much health problem but bad luck could indicate which will make you depressed. This card tells that you must return to your own vision of health and lifestyle away from the opinions of others. 

In a love reading, you may feel a need for sometime alone to discover things about yourself and your path in life. The Hermit may indicate that your focus on relationship need to change, not a good time to make your relationship priority.  It’s a time to do soul searching.


The Hermit suggests you’re ignoring or rejecting the wisdom being offered to you. Alternatively, the card can show a time when you are cut off from your usual support systems or have been unfriended by those you trusted.

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Did you like the information about The Hermit Tarot Card? Why not enroll yourself in the Complete Tarot Course by Ruma Marwah. Get in touch with us over email – rumatarotreader@gmail.com or follow my YouTube Channel.

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It means you maybe looking for guidance from the invisible world. You want to gain perspective on your life, and you’re open to the inner guidance that’s available to you. Some answer you will not get from google but you get from inside.

A person represented by this card is unselfish and very knowledgeable person where people can look to this person for guidance. A true old soul is a person who is mostly in their spiritual quest and looking for enlightenment. 


To read Hermit tarot card like a teacher who can share his knowledge, wisdom, and advice you are guiding the way. He says if you quiet you’re mind you will hear the voice of God speaking to you. 

On The Trail Of Said Bahaji: 9/11 Conspirator Reported To Be Living In Pakistan

There is not much health problem but bad luck could indicate which will make you depressed. This card tells that you must return to your own vision of health and lifestyle away from the opinions of others. 

In a love reading, you may feel a need for sometime alone to discover things about yourself and your path in life. The Hermit may indicate that your focus on relationship need to change, not a good time to make your relationship priority.  It’s a time to do soul searching.


The Hermit suggests you’re ignoring or rejecting the wisdom being offered to you. Alternatively, the card can show a time when you are cut off from your usual support systems or have been unfriended by those you trusted.

Septin 9 And Phosphoinositides Regulate Lysosome Localization And Their Association With Lipid Droplets

Did you like the information about The Hermit Tarot Card? Why not enroll yourself in the Complete Tarot Course by Ruma Marwah. Get in touch with us over email – rumatarotreader@gmail.com or follow my YouTube Channel.

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