A Bold Expression Of Style 10 Small Leo Tattoos For Men To Show Off Their Zodiac Sign

Leo Tattoos Male Small

Leo zodiac signs are people born between July 23 - August 22. Unsurprisingly, people born with their Sun, Moon or Rising sign in Leo have physical characteristics that resemble an actual lion.

If you look at the Leo glyph, you'll see it looks like a side profile of a lion with a glorious mane. People who have strong Leo planet placements also have strong mane-like features. But there are many additional features that reveal when you are looking at a Leo.


From a strong attitude to bold physical features, Leos are hard to miss. You might even notice a person's Leo personality when you learn how to spot their mannerisms — Leos are bold, graceful, fierce, and regal. It is not hard to notice when a Leo is present — ust look at Jennifer Lopez, Barack Obama, or Demi Lovato: they have large foreheads with thick hair and raw appeal.

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Yes, even your appearance can be analyzed and put into the context of the cosmos. Here's what a Leo looks like, according to astrology.

These robust personifications of lions have a robust roar. A Leo’s voice is just as booming and all-encompassing as their attitudes. Leos are not angry or yelling all of the time, but they are loud. Leos do not just want to be heard, they must be heard. As the performers of the zodiac, Leos naturally project their voices as if they are in a theatre. They do not ask for attention, they demand it.

The Leo zodiac symbol is a lion, s it is not surprising for Leos to have feline features. Their eyes are wide and piercing, their noses are small, and their hair is indeed more mane than hair. Leos often have thick, sometimes unruly hair. Leos also take great pride in their appearance, so the mane-like quality of their hair can also be displayed through the way they style it. After all, cats are known for their self-grooming.


Leo Zodiac Sign: Dates, Traits, Compatibility

Leos love outward expression and putting on a show, especially when it comes to the clothes they wear. They are unafraid of taking risks making their fashion taste more avant-garde. Even when they are running errands, Leos will choose bold prints and colors, or maybe a little sparkle. They can mismatch into an eye-catching ensemble no matter the situation.

Leos are noticeably confident and proud people. They cannot help but shine their pride through their posture and smooth stride. Do not mistake this as them having their noses turned up into the air. Leos are mighty, not snooty.


As one of the three fire signs of the zodiac, Leos are bold and like to be seen. When a Leo walks into the room they own that room, not in a possessive way, but in a magnetic way. Leos are alluring and they know it.

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Again, along the line of taking after their lion emblem, Leos tend to be quite graceful. Their confidence makes each step they take assured and precise, and their smooth charm translates into their movements as grace. In accordance with their natural performative ability and grace, Leos are often dancers like Jennifer Lopez.Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job #1 for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that this horoscope sign is also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else.


It's quite common to see a Leo on stage or in Hollywood since these folks never shy away from the limelight. They are also supremely talented and have a flair for the dramatic. Warmth and enthusiasm seem to seep from every Leo pore, making these folks a pleasure to be around. They do love pleasure and being the center of attention!

Leo Symbolism + Myth Leo Element, Mode, and Season Leo Planetary Rulership Leo House Rulership Leo Characteristics Leo Life Purposes and Career Leo Compatibility Leo Health Esoteric Leo Leo Tarot Cards Rising Sign Leo Symbolism + Myth The Leo zodiac symbol is the Lion, named for the stellar constellation this sign corresponded to by the astrologers of the old world. The astrological symbol of the Lion goes back to Greek mythology, when it was associated with the Lion that Heracles overcame in a heroic mythological battle. Since then it is a symbol of victory, pride, and courage. The constellation of Leo contains many bright stars, one of which is called Regulus, which means the little king and lends some of the magical and regal connotations to the Lion's sign. In Latin, Leo means lion, becoming the official name for this sign in western through translations of ancient astrological texts. Leo Element, Mode, and Season Summer In the western tropical zodiac, Leo season begins on July 23, commencing the middle and height of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the time of year when the sun, Leo's planetary ruler, is at its most potent strength, heat, and light. The Leo archetype radiates proud solar confidence, heart-felt courage, and is linked to the celebration of the fruits of Summer.Fixed Mode Leo is the second of the four fixed signs of the zodiac, who all hold an elemental energy of endurance and stability in the center phase of the four seasons. Leo begins the middle, and height of Summer, the symbolic source of this sign's assured, well-established, and sustained confidence.Fire Element Leo's element is fire, the lightest, brightest element, thought by ancient astrologers to be akin to the divine light of the stars and the vital, life-living rays of the sun. Leo's affinity for leadership, performance, self-promotion, and courage are kindled in the fire element. Leo Planetary Rulership Domicile of the sun In classical , the sun only ruled one sign, and so is the natural planetary ruler of Leo. Here, the sun has full affinity and potency in this regal, radiant archetype, being able to be as proud, performative, and vital of a planetary force as it likes to be. With the sun as the center of our solar system, it puts Lions in the center of life and in the middle of their families and communities. The sun in Leo is found in the charts of courageous, often dramatic and artistic people, that do not mind taking leadership or being in the limelight. In more modern, psychological forms of , the sun is connected to our core ego expression, giving folks with this sun sign a reputation for having a strong, well-developed sense of self.Detriment of Saturn Leo is in polarity with the fixed air sign Aquarius. Ruled by the sun, Leo likes to express, conquer, and perform, where Aquarius (classically ruled by Saturn), likes to test, judge, and set boundaries. When in the opposite sign of his preferred home, Saturn is said to be in detriment or at a sort of disadvantage in the bold sign of the Lion. Imagine the stern planetary god of time, trials, and discipline, thrust into a world of drama, pride, and passion. Leo tends to be a sign associated with pride, vanity, and youth, where Saturn is associated with wisdom, restraint, and eldership, two very opposite phases of life. Positioned in this sign, Saturn would have to compensate, presenting in those born with Saturn in Leo as those who need to learn how to strike a balance by being discerning and disciplined when expressing themselves. It may result in them either inhibiting their more theatrical nature or in applying great discipline to their artistic or leadership abilities, becoming their own hardest critics. Leo House Rulership The Fifth House In the modern system of the Twelve Letter Alphabet, each zodiac sign rules one of the twelve houses in the birth chart. This innovation was created by psychological astrologers to match sign affinities to related house topics. Leo was assigned the fifth house of children, good fortune, and creativity since its bold, childlike enthusiasm is similar to the way the fifth house indicates what themes a person will be drawn to when seeking pleasure, expression, and inspiration. Since Leo is ruled by the sun, this modern system invites a radiant, solar sub-signature to the significance of the fifth house.The Ninth House In classical , Leo's planetary ruler, the sun, was said to find its joy in the ninth house of god, spirituality, higher learning, and foreign travel of the birth chart. This is related to the sun classically being considered the light that is central to life and growth that illuminates all that is hidden and that clarifies our perceptions. The sun is able to joyfully express it's more radiant, life-giving offerings here, giving those born with the sun in the ninth house natural confidence. Often being great teachers themselves, this placement makes them great seekers of knowledge and truth. Leo Characteristics Personality Leo's archetypal traits are derived from its active, masculine, or yang qualities, making this sign oriented toward assertive engagement with


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Again, along the line of taking after their lion emblem, Leos tend to be quite graceful. Their confidence makes each step they take assured and precise, and their smooth charm translates into their movements as grace. In accordance with their natural performative ability and grace, Leos are often dancers like Jennifer Lopez.Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job #1 for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that this horoscope sign is also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else.


It's quite common to see a Leo on stage or in Hollywood since these folks never shy away from the limelight. They are also supremely talented and have a flair for the dramatic. Warmth and enthusiasm seem to seep from every Leo pore, making these folks a pleasure to be around. They do love pleasure and being the center of attention!

Leo Symbolism + Myth Leo Element, Mode, and Season Leo Planetary Rulership Leo House Rulership Leo Characteristics Leo Life Purposes and Career Leo Compatibility Leo Health Esoteric Leo Leo Tarot Cards Rising Sign Leo Symbolism + Myth The Leo zodiac symbol is the Lion, named for the stellar constellation this sign corresponded to by the astrologers of the old world. The astrological symbol of the Lion goes back to Greek mythology, when it was associated with the Lion that Heracles overcame in a heroic mythological battle. Since then it is a symbol of victory, pride, and courage. The constellation of Leo contains many bright stars, one of which is called Regulus, which means the little king and lends some of the magical and regal connotations to the Lion's sign. In Latin, Leo means lion, becoming the official name for this sign in western through translations of ancient astrological texts. Leo Element, Mode, and Season Summer In the western tropical zodiac, Leo season begins on July 23, commencing the middle and height of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the time of year when the sun, Leo's planetary ruler, is at its most potent strength, heat, and light. The Leo archetype radiates proud solar confidence, heart-felt courage, and is linked to the celebration of the fruits of Summer.Fixed Mode Leo is the second of the four fixed signs of the zodiac, who all hold an elemental energy of endurance and stability in the center phase of the four seasons. Leo begins the middle, and height of Summer, the symbolic source of this sign's assured, well-established, and sustained confidence.Fire Element Leo's element is fire, the lightest, brightest element, thought by ancient astrologers to be akin to the divine light of the stars and the vital, life-living rays of the sun. Leo's affinity for leadership, performance, self-promotion, and courage are kindled in the fire element. Leo Planetary Rulership Domicile of the sun In classical , the sun only ruled one sign, and so is the natural planetary ruler of Leo. Here, the sun has full affinity and potency in this regal, radiant archetype, being able to be as proud, performative, and vital of a planetary force as it likes to be. With the sun as the center of our solar system, it puts Lions in the center of life and in the middle of their families and communities. The sun in Leo is found in the charts of courageous, often dramatic and artistic people, that do not mind taking leadership or being in the limelight. In more modern, psychological forms of , the sun is connected to our core ego expression, giving folks with this sun sign a reputation for having a strong, well-developed sense of self.Detriment of Saturn Leo is in polarity with the fixed air sign Aquarius. Ruled by the sun, Leo likes to express, conquer, and perform, where Aquarius (classically ruled by Saturn), likes to test, judge, and set boundaries. When in the opposite sign of his preferred home, Saturn is said to be in detriment or at a sort of disadvantage in the bold sign of the Lion. Imagine the stern planetary god of time, trials, and discipline, thrust into a world of drama, pride, and passion. Leo tends to be a sign associated with pride, vanity, and youth, where Saturn is associated with wisdom, restraint, and eldership, two very opposite phases of life. Positioned in this sign, Saturn would have to compensate, presenting in those born with Saturn in Leo as those who need to learn how to strike a balance by being discerning and disciplined when expressing themselves. It may result in them either inhibiting their more theatrical nature or in applying great discipline to their artistic or leadership abilities, becoming their own hardest critics. Leo House Rulership The Fifth House In the modern system of the Twelve Letter Alphabet, each zodiac sign rules one of the twelve houses in the birth chart. This innovation was created by psychological astrologers to match sign affinities to related house topics. Leo was assigned the fifth house of children, good fortune, and creativity since its bold, childlike enthusiasm is similar to the way the fifth house indicates what themes a person will be drawn to when seeking pleasure, expression, and inspiration. Since Leo is ruled by the sun, this modern system invites a radiant, solar sub-signature to the significance of the fifth house.The Ninth House In classical , Leo's planetary ruler, the sun, was said to find its joy in the ninth house of god, spirituality, higher learning, and foreign travel of the birth chart. This is related to the sun classically being considered the light that is central to life and growth that illuminates all that is hidden and that clarifies our perceptions. The sun is able to joyfully express it's more radiant, life-giving offerings here, giving those born with the sun in the ninth house natural confidence. Often being great teachers themselves, this placement makes them great seekers of knowledge and truth. Leo Characteristics Personality Leo's archetypal traits are derived from its active, masculine, or yang qualities, making this sign oriented toward assertive engagement with


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