With his father’s lucky coin in hand, and an indecipherable journal in his back pocket, Augustus Perry stumbles into a world he never knew existed.
There, he finds a school of mages who speak of Gust’s father as if he were a long-lost legend. They fear Gust’s world and some even call him a demon. It is only out of respect for the coin’s former master that the mages take him in and teach him their methods for cultivating mana.
But how could an immortal renegade swordsman turn into the quiet, withdrawn man Gust always knew? What brought him to Gust’s world in the first place, and why did he never go back?
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If Gust ever wants to know who his father truly was, he’ll need to embark on the very same quest that drove his old man insane.
**This is my attempt at western progression/cultivation fantasy, inspired by stories like Cradle, the works of Er Gen, and more mainstream fantasy like the Wheel of Time and the Cosmere books.**
The MC is a little too pathetic. The first three chapters are the MC repeatedly not accepting reality; he thinks he's stumbled into an elaborate cosplay/roleplay meet up in the middle of the woods.
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The story is interesting. The writing is good. I think the author could be quite good with a little improvement on character development. Everyone feels a little flat. I look forward to the MC, hopefully, gaining some intelligence/wisdom.
The style itself has a well written mix between eastern and western culture and power systems providing a likeable story. Grammar is excellent. The story has a good world background and lore such as the Patrons and provides a great foundation for Gust's purpose of slaying the Patrons without starting off OP. The way all of the characters have been written is kind of annoying such as a whiny, overally stupid MC, or cliché side characters and villains, tho the Patrons seem fine. Second problem I have, would be the slow progression in cultivation and storyline. It really started to bore me untill the 19th chapter. Overall would recommend.
Although these ones seem rather out of reach. This is very much a ground up type of story, slowly progressing towards power. So far anyway. At the time of this review the MC is still getting his ass kicked, because he just got tossed in the ring with people who've been training their entire lives, of course he's losing. While he technically has a leg up on the people around him in terms of progression speed, that seems to be only because the people around him are the lowest of the low, and with what he has to face it seems woefully inadequate. So, not an OP MC, and he also seems to be very social for a transmigrated MC with the mission statement of killing the gods
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Not typically my cup of tea genre wise, but based on my knowledge of xianxia, this story is interesting enough to want to get in as close to when it started as possible.
I'm already stunned by how good this story is, and the plot hasn't even started yet. The main character's arrival in this cultivation setting is actually explained, and has legitimate relevance to the story. Worldbuilding is strong, there's a storyline being followed, and better yet, there's intriguing mystery. The protagonist wants to know what happened to his father, and honestly, so do I.
This is a isekai wuxia that isn't afraid to jump into the story. It dives into the plot without wasting half a page, then drags you in with small hints of a wider world. It nicely sets up the present situation along with future plot points and settings so we're not confused at the sudden introduction.
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Style: Near Professional, only a few mistakes here and there, but totally cohesive and flows very smoothly. There's exposition here and there, but it doesn't distract from the story overall.
Characters: MC is reletable, not an op, all knowing time traveler who instantly knows the best techniques, elixirs, or anything. He doesn't pretend that the world is like a Webnovel or something tiring similar. The other characters are shown to be a little more than two dimensional, although it may not be needed for some.
Overall 4.9/5 this is a very well written story and I hope the author continues with it. Anyone know who is thinking about maybe giving this story a try should. You won't regret spending your time on it.
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On another note for the rrl gods, why do we have a two hundred word minimum without even having a word counter? Do I just have to rant until I use a useless thirty words to fill up meaningless space? lower the minimum or add a word counter
Royal Road® is the home of web novels and fan fictions! In our amazing community, you can find various talented individuals who write as a hobby or even professionally, artists who create art for them, and many, many readers who provide valuable feedback and encouragement.
Royal Road® is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.Everyone is born with greatness. We all have the capacity to shine in our own special way. If only we could get a glimpse of that larger vision, we would rise above the boredom and monotony of daily living and soar to higher realms of inspiration, excitement and achievement.
Benjamin Reilly (earth 616)
Mohandas Gandhi was a timid, briefless barrister who transformed into a ‘mahatma’. Swami Vivekananda, who initially trembled at the thought of addressing the Parliament of Religions, became a world-famous orator and philosopher. Dr Abdul Kalam rose from humble origins to become one of the best Presidents of India. So can you rise to heights of perfection.You are born with a unique gift, an exclusive talent, and an extraordinary ability. This is your svadharma, your own nature. The universe is tailored to help you blossom in that field.
Oblivious of this, you get distracted, fall for temptation and chase mirages. Instead, you should look within. Identify your passion and invest in it. The Bhagavad Gita says it is better to die in the pursuit of your svadharma than to adopt paradharma, another’s nature. Fix a higher goal, a greater mission in that field. It is the thought of the ‘self’ that is the devil. It comes in the way of success. It makes you unhappy and blocks growth. The Bhagavad Gita helps unlock your potential. You then metamorphose from nara, an ordinary mortal, to narottama, the extraordinary immortal. All it takes is a slight shift in attitude.
The festival of Diwali, that’s just passed us, signifies slaying of the demons of greed, jealousy, hatred, ego and arrogance that have taken root in you. These flourish in ignorance. Hence, there is an urgent need for knowledge. The Bhagavad Gita gives you knowledge of your inner personality and the guidelines to fine-tune it. It’s like when a car is serviced, the experience of driving is improved. Similarly, when the inner personality is tuned up, you take off into subtler realms, emerging a new personality. You shed old habits of selfishness and small-mindedness to develop a miracle mind-set. Just as a bird takes flight and flies above fences separating farms and homes, you soar to higher realms of unselfishness where petty, trivial distinctions and demarcations no longer hamper your progress.
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‘As you think, so you become’ is the law of the mind. You have been consistently thinking of I, me, myself, and have become a small, powerless person. Think of a higher cause, espouse a nobler mission. The highest goal is that of self-realisation or enlightenment. The higher the goal, the greater is your dynamism and power. You achieve the impossible. When you think of yourself you become miserable.
You reach out to others with affection, oneness and compassion. You endear yourself to people. They return the courtesy and go beyond the call of duty, adding to your triumphs.You are conditioned to be happy only when good things happen to you. When your circle of love expands, you celebrate the achievements of others as if they were yours.
With knowledge of the higher purpose, you get established in the permanent aspects of life. The fluctuations of the impermanent, unreliable world no longer traumatise you. You become a calm person, at peace with the world. The Gita does not require you to change your wardrobe, home, vocation or environment. What you do matters little but where your mind is makes all the difference. Think small and you will become small. Think big and you conquer the world.
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The world only bullies weak people. Gain strength and the world will leave you alone. All problems will dissolve in your newfound confidence.As you free yourself of desire and ego, the spirit in you shines. Amazingly, things get done for you. The forces of nature bow down to you.
Hiranyakashyapu, king of the demons, tried to kill his own son Prahlada, for owing allegiance to
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