A few years ago I didn’t believe that I would ever see an eagle. God worked out incredible circumstances to convince me otherwise. I was starting to accept my identity as His Eagle, and I asked Him to allow me to spot a real eagle. My first eagle sighting happened on vacation, hours north from our home. I was filled with awe and gratitude to my Good Father!
However, I still didn’t believe that I would see another eagle once I returned home. God surprised me again with His goodness when the second time happened during my weekly drive to the farm to get milk and eggs.
Eagle sighting # 3 was with my son, home on leave from the Marines. We were driving to a state park. I had prayed and asked God to show me an eagle. A few minutes later, there it was, flying above our van. God used that eagle to remind me that:
It's Like Seeing Freedom Soar:' Bald Eagles Mating In Lake Purdy
We don’t belong with those who turn back and are destroyed. Instead, we belong with those who have faith and are saved.
Eagle sightings #4, #5, and #6 were up north again during our next family vacation. I was reminded that God encounters are all around us, we just need the eyes to recognize them!
God spoke to me that my eagle sightings were like something else I had been praying for: REVIVAL! Revival with miracles, healings, salvations, and deliverances happening all around me.
Birds Of Prey
That which seemed impossible has become a part of my normal life. Now I expect to see an eagle as I gaze out of my kitchen window, watching the birds perch on the church across the street.
“Someday, I will see a bald eagle right there! Someday I will see revival right here, in my neighborhood, in my own house!” I often think to myself.
Eagle #8 appeared at a State Park in February as I pondered the Good and Blessed New Year of 2020! Our plans for the year were very uncertain, yet I was full of hope I surrendered to God’s wonderful will, whatever that turned out to be. I had no idea what crazy events 2020 had in store.
The Power Of The Bald Eagle
Now that it is December, I can still say that it has been a Good and Blessed year, and I have come to know God more than ever before.
Eagle #9 was just 5 minutes from our home. We were heading out for a family day, and I was feeling especially discouraged. We were passing road signs that were normally used to update drivers on accidents or adverse weather conditions. They were flashing messages that I would expect to see in a Socialist State, not in my beloved country. Here in the USA we have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assemble, freedom to work and earn a living, freedom to innovate and run your own business, and freedom to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Reminders that these freedoms are being taken away are everywhere. Lately it feels stressful to leave the house, never knowing what the “rules” are, how and if the “rules” are being enforced, and what extreme viewpoints you might encounter.
Freedom' A Fighter: Injured Bald Eagle On The Mend
When I saw that eagle I realized, God is right here! In my town! I can be that eagle. I can soar above the circumstances right now. I can go out into my city, the land of my inheritance, and claim it for the kingdom of God. I can be full of joy and tell people good news wherever I go. Even if others are walking in fear and offense, I don’t have to. Jesus is King of this land and I am His Eagle.
Now that it is December, I can still say that it has been a Good and Blessed year, and I have come to know God more than ever before.
Eagle #9 was just 5 minutes from our home. We were heading out for a family day, and I was feeling especially discouraged. We were passing road signs that were normally used to update drivers on accidents or adverse weather conditions. They were flashing messages that I would expect to see in a Socialist State, not in my beloved country. Here in the USA we have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assemble, freedom to work and earn a living, freedom to innovate and run your own business, and freedom to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Reminders that these freedoms are being taken away are everywhere. Lately it feels stressful to leave the house, never knowing what the “rules” are, how and if the “rules” are being enforced, and what extreme viewpoints you might encounter.
Freedom' A Fighter: Injured Bald Eagle On The Mend
When I saw that eagle I realized, God is right here! In my town! I can be that eagle. I can soar above the circumstances right now. I can go out into my city, the land of my inheritance, and claim it for the kingdom of God. I can be full of joy and tell people good news wherever I go. Even if others are walking in fear and offense, I don’t have to. Jesus is King of this land and I am His Eagle.
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