Unlock the Hidden Meaning Behind the Knights Templar Shield Tattoo

Knights Templar Shield Tattoo

Learn about the Knights Templar. Read a Templar definition and discover Knights Templar symbols. Explore the Knights Templar role in the Crusades. Updated: 12/02/2021

Write an essay of at least one paragraph that describes the Crusades and the Holy Land and explains who the Kings Templar were.


In approximately two to three paragraphs, write an essay that describes the origins of the Knights Templar and how they became wealthy.

Secret World Of The Knights Templar By Dr. Tim Wallace Murphy, Philip Gardiner, O. H. Krill, Dan Brown

Example: As they became wealthier, the Knights Templar became increasingly involved in the economy of medieval Europe, purchasing vineyards and overseeing shipping and manufacturing endeavors.

Create a PowerPoint presentation that explains the fall of the Knights of Templar. Be sure that your presentation explains the role of King Philip IV of France.

Create an informational poster about the myths surrounding the Knights Templar. Feel free to do outside research to address other myths not mentioned in the lesson.

Christian News: Knights Templar Truth Exposed By 700 Year Old Document

Yes, the Knights Templar is an organization that still exists today. The group works to spread Christianity and conduct acts of charity.

One of the Knights Templar symbols is the Red Cross, which symbolizes martyrdom and is representative of the Knights Templar's connection to the church. Another symbol is the Knights Templar Seal depicting two knights on a horse and may represent that the knights needed to work as partners. These are a few of many other symbols used to represent the Knights Templar.

Secrecy and curiosity have always existed around the Knights Templar, but what is the Knights Templar? The definition of a templar is a 12th -14th-century knight of a religious order set up in Jerusalem to protect the Holy Sepulcher and pilgrims. The Knights Templar was an officially recognized fighting force of knights who fought in the holy wars of the Crusades. During the medieval era, they were an elite fighting force of Christians, charged with protecting pilgrims as they visited holy sites. The Knights Templar was founded in 1118 C.E. and was originally called the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon. The source of their name comes from where they were originally based at Jerusalem's Temple Mount.

Lost Relics Of The Knights Templar (tv Mini Series 2020– )

The Knights Templar fought epic battles throughout history, especially in the Crusades, and accumulated enormous wealth. Symbols and legends surround the stories of this secret group.


The Knights Templar was an officially recognized fighting force of knights who fought in the holy wars of the Crusades. Many organizations exist today that are based on the original Knights Templar. They operate around the world and strive to implement the beliefs and values of the original order.

In 1099 C.E., pilgrims from Europe began visiting Jerusalem, the Holy land, after Christian armies had successfully defeated the Muslims during the Crusades. However, they faced robbery and even death as they worked their way through Muslim-controlled areas. The Templars were there to serve and protect, and their original mission was to protect the traveling Christians. The Pope recognized the organization in 1129 C.E. Throughout the Crusades, they operated under a code of chivalry regarding their military conduct, trained to become elite soldiers, and fought in battles as military soldiers.

A Secret Site For The Knights Templar?

The reputation of the Knights Templar during the Crusades was one of fierce warriors. The knights did not retreat or surrender. Working in tight formations, many would be on horses fighting with swords and lances. They were well-trained and fought fiercely. They tended to strategize and think through their actions before engaging in warfare. They were fighting for something they believed in strongly - their religion - so they fought with passion.

The Knights Templar were an elite group of warriors during Europe's holy wars against Islamic armies in the Holy Land, with the Holy Land being the area around Jerusalem where it was believed that Christ lived and died. These wars for the Holy Land were called the Crusades and occurred during the Middle Ages, roughly 1000-1500 CE. The Templars became extraordinarily wealthy and powerful from the Crusades, leading to rumors that they had discovered a massive treasure in Jerusalem that included the holiest of items, the Holy Grail. The sudden disappearance of the Knights Templar and their association with other secret societies has prompted treasure hunters across centuries to embark on quests to uncover the lost Templar Treasure.

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Real Life Indiana Jones Claims Discovery Of £100m Knights Templar Treasure Trove

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One legend claims that the Knights Templar guarded the Shroud of Turin, which is believed to have been a cloth placed on Jesus to cover his face for his burial. Some believe the knights took it from the city of Constantinople in 1204 C.E.

The Knights Templar was an officially recognized fighting force of knights who fought in the holy wars of the Crusades. The Crusades were a series of religious wars between Muslims and Christians occurring between 1095-1291 C.E. with the goal of gaining control of holy sites, including the area of and around Jerusalem. The Knights Templar got their name from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the location of their headquarters. The Knights Templar built an immense amount of wealth that included developing an early form of banking. However, they lost it all when King Phillip IV of France decided he wanted their power and wealth since he was in debt to the knights. He accused them of heresy and had the Knights Templar thrown in jail, tortured, and executed. The Pope dissolved the order.


The Knights Templar: The Hidden History... By Bauer, Conrad Paperback / Softback

Many symbols are associated with the Knights Templar; the most famous is probably the Red Cross, which symbolizes martyrdom and their connection to the church. Another symbol of the Knights was two knights riding on one horse. There are also many legends surrounding the Knights. One is that they had gained control of the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail and guarded and hid the items. The Ark is believed to have held the Ten Commandments, while the Holy Grail is believed to be the cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper. Claiming that they can trace their beginnings back to the Knights Templar are the Freemasons, a male-only secret society with secret rituals that originated with stonemasons in the Middle Ages.

After the first Crusade of 1099 captured Jerusalem from Islamic control, it became common for European Christians to take lengthy pilgrimages to the Holy Land. These could be very dangerous, and so in 1120 the French knight Hugues de Payens came up with a plan to form a group of knights to protect pilgrims on the roads from bandits and mercenaries. The king of Jerusalem gave the knights their headquarters on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The knights took the name ''Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon'', or the Knights Templar, meaning knights of the temple. They were officially recognized as a holy order by the Pope in 1129 and quickly became one of the most respected and skilled fighting units of the crusades.

Although they started as poor knights, the Templars quickly rose in fame and wealth. As they established forts along the major roads between the Holy Land and Europe to support pilgrims and fight Islamic armies, the Knights Templar developed an early system of banking. Pilgrims deposited valuables at one Templar fort, received a letter of credit stating the value of the items or money, and exchanged it at another Templar location for cash. Templar banking was so successful that they became extremely wealthy. They bought vineyards and farms, built churches and castles, became involved in manufacturing and shipping, and even owned the island of Cyprus.

Watch The Knights Templar Season 1

In 1187, Jerusalem was recaptured by newly united Islamic forces. The Templar headquarters was pushed further back towards Europe as the Islamic armies advanced. As they lost banking areas in the Holy Land, their wealth and power dwindled. In 1307, the King of France Philip IV, who was deeply in debt to the Templars, used a series of rumors that had recently surfaced about the Templars being involved in heresy to arrest the knights. On Friday 13th of October 1307, all members of the Knights Templar were arrested for heresy. Many were coerced under torture to confess that their initiation ceremonies involved spitting on the cross or financial corruption. Philip IV had many Templars burned at the stake, and in 1310, the Pope dissolved the order and handed over their assets to another group, the Knights Hospitallers.


The most common symbol of the Templars is the red cross on a white banner, the insignia of the order. The red symbolized martyrdom, since dying in combat during a Holy War was considered a great honor, and the white represented faith or purity. The seal of the Templars showed the Dome of the Rock (in the Holy Land) on one side, and the Order's oldest symbol on the reverse, two knights riding a single horse. This was meant to display the poverty

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