All of the heroes are locked behind campaign progress when you first open multiplayer. This guide on How To Unlock Black Widow In Marvel’s Avengers explains how far you need to progress into the main story before you are able to unlock other heroes to use in multiplayer modes.
All characters in Marvel’s Avengers have to be unlocked through Campaign progress. However, it’s not a lengthy process. You don’t need to reach specific points to unlock specific heroes and characters, they all become available to play at the same time, once you have reached one point within the single player story. It may take a few hours but once you get there, all characters are available to choose in multiplayer.
If you want to play as Black Widow you need to first progress in the single player story. Follow the story mode until you rescue Ms. Marvel. It’s during the mission To Stand Alone. After you finish the mission, follow the objectives back on board the carrier until it says Black Widow is unlocked.
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Once you have this mission complete you can switch to multiplayer. You need to complete a simple HARM tutorial for Iron Man first, but this only takes a few minutes. It’s a very basic introduction to Iron Man’s combat abilities and skills. Once you have completed the HARM room challenge, return to the War Table.
You can now use the War Table to change to any character you have unlocked – which is all of the heroes at this point.
Elite Heroic Hive completing is one of the in-game achievements. This guide on How To Unlock Elite Heroic Hives In Marvel's Avengers explains the challenging process involved in unlocking some of Marvel's Avengers longest and most challenging multiplayer content.
How To Unlock Black Widow In Marvel's Avengers
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Looking for biometrically locked DNA strongboxes? This guide on What To Do With DNA Keys In Marvel's Avengers will tell you where to find these special chests that can only be accessed if you have a DNA Key in your inventory to unlock the chest and receive the rewards inside.
The Reigning Supreme mission chain requires you to complete Turbulence (Elite). This guide on Where To Find Turbulence Mission In Marvel's Avengers will tell you how to track down the Turbulent (Elite) mission as it's not shown with a green icon at the War Table like other objectives.
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Blaine Captain Camper Smith is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Now operating under the guise of Editor-in-Chief (purely because we felt the position was needed for public relations purposes), he's tasked with a lot of the kind of jobs that would put you to sleep at your desk. When he's not catching some Zs, you'll likely find him arguing points he knows nothing about, playing the latest rogue-like he'll never complete, or breaking something on the website that never needed fixing. You can best reach him on TwitteI’ve written two news stories in this week’s New Scientist. One is on the different tactics of four-year-old boys and girls as they compete for animal puppets. The other is on the webs spun by black widow spiders. The article on the venomous, evil, little critters is longer so I’m going to use this space to talk about the black widows instead…
Black widows are notorious for both the toxicity of their venom and the cannibalistic nature of their sex, but their webs are equally interesting and less well known.
The basic design – the “sheet-based” web – consists of a well-defined horizontal sheet of silk supported by some overhanging threads. Underneath the sheet, the spider spins “gum-footed threads” – vertical lines of silk with blobs of sticky glue at their base. These threads are incredibly taut and if an insect blunders into them, they break off from the ground, stick to the insect and catapult it into mid-air, where it struggles helplessly. The spider senses the vibrations through the sheet and goes in for the kill.
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But Jacquelyn Zevenbergen at the University of Akron found that these webs are only used by hungry spiders. Over the course of a week, she fed several small Western black widows with daily crickets while starving an equal number of big ones. The result was a hundred or so spiders, all of the same size, but half of which were very hungry.
She found that the starving spiders mostly spun sheet-based webs, and did so twice as often as the sated spiders. They opted for a different design – the “tangle-based” web. As its name implies, this structure is a chaotic, three-dimensional network of non-stick strands. It’s a mess to behold – no distinctive sheet, no gumfooted threads, just a mass of silk with the spider in the middle.
Other spiders can change the size or shape of their webs, but the black widows go a step further, in a way that makes them unique. They change the entire architecture of the web, adding and deleting features that have specific functions. Tony Blackledge, who led the study, told me, “Their webs aren’t simply more or less of the same thing.”
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The webs have different purposes too. When Zevenbergen let small groups of crickets loose in the spiders’ enclosures, she found that the sheet webs were far deadlier traps than the tangle ones. Regardless of their own body condition, spiders that were allowed to hunt on the sheet webs spun by hungry spiders caught more crickets, and they caught them faster and more efficiently.
Partly, the sheet web’s efficiency is due to the lethal gum-footed threads. The sheet also plays a role, for it acts as a better transmitter of the vibrations of struggling prey, and it allows the waiting spider great manoeuvrability.
So why would a black widow choose to spin the less efficient tangle webs? The researchers offer two possible answers. The simplest one is that the tangles act like a fortress, providing the spider with better defences against predators. With their stomach full of cricket juice, they can afford to divert their resources to protection rather than predation.
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But the more interesting theory is that the spiders could be using the webs to regulate their own behaviour. Zevenbergen found that even the well-fed spiders attempt to capture prey if they’re placed on the sheet webs of hungry spiders and as we’ve already seen, they’re more successful at it on these deadly constructions.
Blackledge suggests that black widows are somewhat incapable of ignoring the vibrations of struggling prey and would effectively overeat if they didn’t change their web design. He says, “The tangle-based webs help to keep [them] from expressing capture behaviors when they don’t need them.” So black widows change the architecture of their lairs to stop themselves from overeating. It would be like me bricking up my kitchen doorway if I’m feeling fat.
Reference: ZEVENBERGEN, J., SCHNEIDER, N., BLACKLEDGE, T. (2008). Fine dining or fortress? Functional shifts in spider web architecture by the western black widow Latrodectus hesperus. Animal Behaviour DOI:10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.05.008Black widows are notorious spiders identified by the colored, hourglass-shaped mark on their abdomens. Several species answer to the name, and they are found in temperate regions around the world.
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This spider's bite is much feared because its venom is reported to be 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake's. In humans, bites produce muscle aches, nausea, and a paralysis of the diaphragm that can make breathing difficult; however, contrary to popular belief, most people who are bitten suffer no serious damage—let alone death. But bites can be fatal—usually to small children, the elderly, or the infirm. Fortunately, fatalities are fairly rare; the spiders are nonaggressive and bite only in self-defense, such as when someone accidentally sits on them.
The animals most at risk from the black widow's bite are insects—and male black widow spiders. Females sometimes kill and eat their counterparts after mating in a macabre behavior that gave the insect its name. Black widows are solitary year-round except during this violent mating ritual.
These spiders spin large webs in which females suspend a cocoon with hundreds of eggs. Spiderlings disperse soon after they leave their eggs, but the web remains. Black widow spiders also use their webs to ensnare their prey, which consists of flies, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, beetles, and caterpillars. Black widows are comb-footed spiders, which means they have bristles on their hind legs that they use to cover their prey with silk once it has been trapped.
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To feed, black widows puncture their insect prey with their fangs and administer digestive enzymes to the corpses. By using these enzymes, and their gnashing fangs, the spiders liquefy their prey's bodies and suck up the resulting fluid.
A female black widow spider doesn't always kill her mate. But if he doesn't get away fast enough, she'll turn him into insect soup.
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